PRIORI Skincare Products

PRIORI Skincare

PRIORI product ranges were first introduced in 1983 when they developed AHA’s. I have been using PRIORI products for over 17 years and Thorntonhall Therapies holds a limited selection of their products.

PRIORI Peel Treatments

This Enzyme based all-natural active skin peel with dual action helps to treat dead skin cells, comedones, blackheads, and acne. It helps to nourish restore and deeply hydrate. A dramatic antioxidant, Anti-inflammatory, anti-redness, skin whitening peel. This mask can be a one-off Beauty flash treatment or for more intensive treatment with great results, twice a week for three weeks. This peel in conjunction with a Lightfusion and an extra hydrating mask gives advanced results.

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    01416441594 / 07760412194
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